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- Disabled people
The majority of Parc De Kievit is easily accessible to disabled guests and those in a wheelchair. The pathways and pitches on the grounds are well-maintained and therefore easily reachable for everyone.
Centrally located at the entrance of the park, you'll find reception. It can be accessed via a short set of stairs or a ramp. First aid and emergency service is available at the reception desk. Considering the park's remote location, we've ensured direct communications with the local assistance services. There is an automatic external defibrillator (AED) at a central location at the park, which is accessible to everyone. The park's tennis courts are accessible via a short set of stairs or a ramp. The entrance to the swimming pool offers plenty of clearance for pushchairs and strollers. The swimming pool features tile flooring all around. There are no further modified facilities at the swimming pool. The restaurant's entrance offers enough clearance for a wheelchair. A modified toilet is available as well.
Modified holiday bungalows
The park offers two modified holiday bungalows. Click here to view these bungalows.
If you would like to learn more about availability and rental opportunities, please contact us via verhuur@parcdekievit.nl or 013-5079819.
The pitches are well-maintained and easily accessible.
Sanitary building
The sanitary buildings are accessible to disabled guests. The shower including a shower wheelchair and a modified toilet is easily accessible and equipped with an emergency cord.
The information above is based on the accessibility study of Parc De Kievit, carried out in 2010 by ZetOpen, an expert center for integral accessibility, supported by the Province of North Brabant and the European Regional Development Fund for the Interregion of Flanders-The Netherlands.
