Parc de Kievit Verhuur
Rent a holiday home at Christmas

Rent a home for Christmas holidays

  • Holiday home in Noord-Brabant
  • Child-friendly holiday park
  • Natural surroundings

Rent a holiday home at Christmas

The period of warmth and coziness is just around the corner, Christmas! Naturally you prefer to celebrate Christmas with your loved ones, so take a different approach this year and rent a cozy holiday home at Christmas . Renting a home at Parc de Kievit means relaxing in the beautiful wooded area of ​​Noord-Brabant and of course a lot of attention for each other. Enjoy a delicious glass of wine on the sofa or spend quality time with your loved ones during a fun family game. Enjoy getting into the kitchen together on December 25th and 26th or go out for dinner at Taverne het Kievitsei at the park. As a full member of the family, Christmas is of course not complete without your favorite pet. Your four-legged friend is therefore very welcome in various rental accommodations.